For my secondary research, i plan to view articles and videos that prove that Disney is indeed, racist.
So far I have come up with only one article: Snow Whitey? Stereotyping in the Magical Kingdom
It said that kids spend more time viewing the media than learning in a classroom, and that we should realize that children take a lot more away from the average Disney movie than one would suspect. What kind of messages is Disney giving to children?
Disney is very sexist. In Lion King, the mother is subjected to a supporting role. During The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, the women in the movies have no aspirations other than leaving their perfect lives to pursue a prince, who in Beauty and the Beast is abusive and bad-tempered. Also in The little Mermaid, Ursula says losing your voice isn't a bad thing, "Men don't like women who talk too much".
Disney is also pumping racism into its movies. In Aladdin, the opening song bashes the Arabic culture describing it as "Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face" and "It's barbaric, but hey, it's home". Furthermore, every Arab in the movie has a beard, is overweight, and has an overly large nose with the exception of Aladdin, who looks and speaks like an American. These movies are not ethnically diverse, they are downright racist.